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Array - Class in com.surrealdb
The Array class represents a native array structure and provides methods to interact with and retrieve values from the array.


close() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Closes and releases any resources associated with this instance.
com.surrealdb - package com.surrealdb
com.surrealdb.signin - package com.surrealdb.signin
connect(String) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Establishes a connection to the Surreal database using the provided connection string.
CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class com.surrealdb.UpType
Represents a content update operation.
create(RecordId, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Creates a record in the database with the given `RecordID` as the key and the provided content as the value.
create(Class<T>, RecordId, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Creates a record in the database with the given `RecordID` as the key and the provided content as the value.
create(Class<T>, String, T...) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Creates records in the database with the given table and the provided contents as the values.
create(String, T...) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Creates records in the database with the given table and the provided contents as the values.
createArray(List<ValueMut>) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createBoolean(boolean) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createDatetime(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createDouble(double) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createDuration(Duration) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createId(Id) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createLong(long) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createNone() - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createNull() - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createObject(List<EntryMut>) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createString(String) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut
createThing(RecordId) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.ValueMut


Database - Class in com.surrealdb.signin
The Database class represents a specific level of credentials for signing into a SurrealDB database.
Database(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.signin.Database
delete(RecordId) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Deletes a record identified by the provided RecordId.
delete(RecordId...) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Deletes the specified records.
delete(String) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Deletes the specified target.


Entry - Class in com.surrealdb
Entry represents a key-value pair entry in a native data structure.
EntryIterator - Class in com.surrealdb
EntryIterator is a specialized iterator for traversing entries.
EntryMut - Class in com.surrealdb
equals(Object) - Method in class com.surrealdb.InsertRelation
equals(Object) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Native
equals(Object) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Relation


finalize() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Native
from(long) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.Id
from(String) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.Id


Geometry - Class in com.surrealdb
get(int) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Array
get(Class<T>) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
get(String) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Object
getArray() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Id
getArray() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getBigDecimal() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getBoolean() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getBytes() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getDatabase() - Method in class com.surrealdb.signin.Database
getDateTime() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getDouble() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getDuration() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getGeometry() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getId() - Method in class com.surrealdb.RecordId
getKey() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Entry
getLong() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Id
getLong() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getNamespace() - Method in class com.surrealdb.signin.Namespace
getObject() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Id
getObject() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getPassword() - Method in class com.surrealdb.signin.Root
getPoint() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Geometry
getString() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Id
getString() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getTable() - Method in class com.surrealdb.RecordId
getThing() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getToken() - Method in class com.surrealdb.signin.Token
getUsername() - Method in class com.surrealdb.signin.Root
getUuid() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
getValue() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Entry


hashCode() - Method in class com.surrealdb.InsertRelation
hashCode() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Native
hashCode() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Relation
hasNext() - Method in class com.surrealdb.EntryIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.surrealdb.ValueIterator


id - Variable in class com.surrealdb.InsertRelation
id - Variable in class com.surrealdb.Relation
Id - Class in com.surrealdb
The Id class represents a unique identifier that can be either a long value or a string.
in - Variable in class com.surrealdb.InsertRelation
in - Variable in class com.surrealdb.Relation
insert(Class<T>, String, T...) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Insert records in the database with the given table and the provided contents as the values.
insert(String, T...) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Insert records in the database with the given table and the provided contents as the values.
insertRelation(Class<T>, String, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Inserts a relation of the specified type and table with the provided content.
insertRelation(String, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Inserts a relation to the specified table using the provided content.
InsertRelation - Class in com.surrealdb
The InsertRelation class represents a relationship between entities in a graph database.
InsertRelation() - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.InsertRelation
InsertRelation(Id, RecordId, RecordId) - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.InsertRelation
insertRelations(Class<T>, String, T...) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Inserts multiple relations of a specified type into the target.
insertRelations(String, T...) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Inserts relations into the specified table with the provided contents.
isArray() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Id
isArray() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isBigdecimal() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isBoolean() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isBytes() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isDateTime() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isDouble() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isDuration() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isGeometry() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isLong() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Id
isLong() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isNone() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isNull() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isObject() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Id
isObject() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isPoint() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Geometry
isString() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Id
isString() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isThing() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
isUuid() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
iterator() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Array
iterator() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Object
iterator(Class<T>) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Array


len() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Array
len() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Object


MERGE - Enum constant in enum class com.surrealdb.UpType
Represents a merge update operation.


Namespace - Class in com.surrealdb.signin
The Namespace class represents a specific level of credentials for signing into a SurrealDB namespace.
Namespace(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.signin.Namespace
Native - Class in com.surrealdb
newEntry(String, ValueMut) - Static method in class com.surrealdb.EntryMut
next() - Method in class com.surrealdb.EntryIterator
next() - Method in class com.surrealdb.ValueIterator


Object - Class in com.surrealdb
The Object class implements the Iterable interface for Entry objects.
out - Variable in class com.surrealdb.InsertRelation
out - Variable in class com.surrealdb.Relation


PATCH - Enum constant in enum class com.surrealdb.UpType
Represents a patch update operation.


query(String) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Executes a SurrealQL query on the database.
queryBind(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Executes a parameterized SurrealQL query on the database.


RecordId - Class in com.surrealdb
The RecordId class represents a unique identifier for a record in a database.
RecordId(String, long) - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.RecordId
RecordId(String, String) - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.RecordId
relate(RecordId, String, RecordId) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Establishes a relation between two records identified by `from` and `to` within a specified table.
relate(RecordId, String, RecordId, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Establishes a relationship between two records within a specified table, attaching the provided content to this relationship.
relate(Class<R>, RecordId, String, RecordId, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Establishes a relation between two records and retrieves it based on the specified relation type.
relate(Class<T>, RecordId, String, RecordId) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Establishes and retrieves a relation of a specified type between two records.
Relation - Class in com.surrealdb
The Relation class represents a relationship between two records within a database.
Relation() - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.Relation
Relation(RecordId, RecordId, RecordId) - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.Relation
Response - Class in com.surrealdb
The Response class is a specialized wrapper for handling responses from SurrealDB.
Root - Class in com.surrealdb.signin
The Root class represents a level of credentials used for signing into the SurrealDB database.
Root(String, String) - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.signin.Root


select(RecordId) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Selects a record by its RecordId and retrieves the corresponding Value.
select(RecordId...) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Selects values based on the provided RecordIds.
select(Class<T>, RecordId) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Selects an instance of the specified type from a record identified by the given RecordId.
select(Class<T>, RecordId...) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Selects and retrieves a list of objects of the specified type based on the given record IDs.
select(Class<T>, String) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Selects and retrieves an iterator of specified type for given targets.
select(String) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Selects and returns an iterator over the values corresponding to the given targets.
selectSync(Class<T>, String) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Selects and returns a thread-safe iterator over a collection of objects of the specified type from the given targets.
selectSync(String) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Selects and returns a thread-safe iterator to traverse values associated with the given targets.
signin(Signin) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Attempts to sign in to the Surreal system using the provided credentials.
Signin - Interface in com.surrealdb.signin
The Signin interface is a marker interface used for classes that encapsulate credentials used for logging into the Surreal system.
size() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Response
Surreal - Class in com.surrealdb
The Surreal class provides methods to interact with a Surreal database.
Surreal() - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Constructs a new Surreal object.
SurrealException - Exception Class in com.surrealdb
The SurrealException class is a custom RuntimeException used to signal exceptional conditions.
synchronizedIterator() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Array
synchronizedIterator() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Object
synchronizedIterator(Class<T>) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Array


take(int) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Response
take(Class<T>, int) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Response
Token - Class in com.surrealdb.signin
Represents a session token.
Token(String) - Constructor for class com.surrealdb.signin.Token
toPrettyString() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Array
toPrettyString() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Object
toPrettyString() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Value
toString() - Method in class com.surrealdb.InsertRelation
toString() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Native
toString() - Method in class com.surrealdb.Relation


update(RecordId, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates the value of a record with the specified content and update type.
update(Class<T>, RecordId, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates a record of the specified type and returns the updated record.
update(Class<T>, String[], UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates the specified tables with the given content and returns an iterator over the updated elements of the specified type.
update(Class<T>, String, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates the specified table with the provided content and returns an iterator for the updated values.
update(String[], UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates the specified tables with the given content.
update(String, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates the table with the given content based on the specified update type.
updateSync(Class<T>, String[], UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates the provided tables with the provided content and returns an iterator for the updated values.
updateSync(Class<T>, String, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates the table with the provided content.
updateSync(String[], UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates the tables using the provided content and update type.
updateSync(String, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates the specified table with the provided content.
upsert(RecordId, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Inserts a new record or updates an existing record with the given content.
upsert(Class<T>, RecordId, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Upserts a record and returns the updated or inserted entity.
upsert(Class<T>, String[], UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Updates or inserts the provided content based on the specified tables and update type.
upsert(Class<T>, String, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Inserts or updates a record of the specified type with the given content.
upsert(String[], UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Inserts or updates values in the given tables.
upsert(String, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Performs an upsert operation on the specified table with the provided content.
upsertSync(Class<T>, String[], UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Performs an upsert operation with the specified content on the given tables.
upsertSync(Class<T>, String, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Inserts or updates a record and returns an iterator over the result.
upsertSync(String[], UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Performs an upsert (update or insert) operation on the specified tables.
upsertSync(String, UpType, T) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Inserts or updates the table with the provided content and returns a thread-safe iterator over the resulting values.
UpType - Enum Class in com.surrealdb
Enumeration to represent the type of update operations.
useDb(String) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Sets the database for the current instance of the Surreal class.
useNs(String) - Method in class com.surrealdb.Surreal
Sets the namespace for the Surreal instance.


Value - Class in com.surrealdb
The Value class represents a general-purpose wrapper for different types of values.
ValueIterator - Class in com.surrealdb
The ValueIterator class provides an iterator for the Value type, allowing iteration over a collection of Value objects, typically used within the context of array structures that extend the functionality provided by the library.
ValueMut - Class in com.surrealdb
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.surrealdb.UpType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.surrealdb.UpType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form